Eucalyptus for Relief of Asthma Symptoms



Eucalyptus for Relief of Asthma Symptoms

Eucalyptus, known for its medicinal properties, is used as a holistic treatment for symptoms of Asthma. Eucalyptus mist from an ultrasonic diffuser may help loosen and clear mucus from the lungs.

By Mark Zuleger-Thyss



What is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic disease that causes inflammation and swelling in the airways and makes breathing difficult.

While there is no cure for Asthma, it is true that the symptoms sometimes do disappear over time in a few lucky people. But for most sufferers, Asthma is a lifelong condition. It affects approximately 25 million people in the U.S. This means about 1 in every 13 people.

The burden of Asthma in the U.S. falls undeservedly on people with low income, senior adults, and Black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaska Native people. These groups have the highest asthma rates, deaths, and hospitalizations.


If you have Asthma, you know all the symptoms – shortness of breath, wheezing, a tight chest, and constant coughing.

Experts believe environmental factors are the main contributor to Asthma and allergies. Allergic Asthma, the most common type, impacts one in six people in the U.S.


Allergic Asthma is triggered by allergens like:

  • Dust, pet dander, saliva, and urine
  • Indoor and outdoor molds
  • Tree, grass, and weed pollen
  • Insects like Dust mites and their droppings


Not everyone who has Asthma has the allergic type. Some people find their asthma symptoms triggered by air pollution, chemical fumes, perfume, and sawdust.



Seeking Care for Asthma

In 2018, Asthma accounted for 5.8 million doctors' office visits.

Developing Asthma comes down to having had a parent with the condition, had a severe respiratory infection as a child, or had an allergic disease. Your doctor will review whether there is exposure to certain chemical irritants or industrial dust in your workplace.

Many people turn to complementary and alternative medicines when they have Asthma. These medical treatments differ from the traditional ones you receive at most U.S. doctors' offices. 

Herbs, dietary supplements, chiropractic, massage therapy, and biofeedback are just a few. Alternative treatments are often used alone. Complementary therapies are used with treatments ordered by your medical doctor.



Your Diet's Role in preventing Asthma Attacks

A well-balanced diet can give you nutrients that benefit the body and mind in many ways—even the lungs. By eating the right foods, it's possible to breathe easier and, in some cases, reduce asthma symptoms.



If you have Asthma, consume large amounts of natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory foods such as fruits, veggies, whole grains, and fish. Therefore, it is crucial to get enough essential fatty acids.

Avoid foods that produce mucus and inflammation. Dairy products, refined sugar, processed food, fried food, and foods containing additives and preservatives should be eliminated.

Oxygen is a crucial component for metabolizing food. Different foods require different amounts of oxygen to be broken down into energy we can use.

If you have a carb-heavy diet, your body may need more oxygen to metabolize them. However, heavy carbs make your lungs work harder to keep up.

Other opportunities to control Asthma include homeopathy, acupuncture, essential oils, and stress reduction.

Vitamin E can help with asthma symptoms. It has a compound called tocopherol, which may decrease the risk of some symptoms like coughing or wheezing. Obtain vitamin E by eating almonds, raw seeds, hazelnuts, Swiss chard, mustard greens, broccoli, and kale.


What are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts. Plants are made of structural materials and phytochemicals. These chemicals have properties that not only benefit the plant, but benefit people, too.

It takes about 250 pounds (ca. 113 kg) of lavender flowers to make one pound of essential oil. And because it takes so much of the plant to make essential oil, it’s a powerful botanical medicine. 


Are Essential Oils Safe for a Person with Asthma?

Aromatherapy is an age-old practice of treating your mind and body with natural scents. Aromatherapy with essential oils can be added to your wellness practices in various ways to reduce anxiety or complement existing medical care.

People living with Bronchial Asthma are advised to use oils rich in 1,8-cineole oils WITH CAUTION. These include, but are not limited to, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, and Cajeput.* Therefore, treatment by a certified holistic health professional is required.


*Cajeput essential oil has a similar scent to eucalyptus, so it is not surprising that it offers similar therapeutic benefits. 

Direct inhalation of cajeput oil is discouraged. Instead, diffuse the cajeput oil in a room using a diffuser or try it in a diluted form, such as a nasal inhaler.

Interestingly, ongoing research investigates cajeput essential oil's potential for inhibiting the COVID-19 virus.




Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Sinusitis and Asthma may be helped by inhaling vapors with added eucalyptus oil. The oil reacts with mucous membranes to reduce mucus and loosen it, so you can cough it up. It’s even possible that eucalyptus blocks asthma symptoms. 

Apart from a cold and flu, eucalyptus can relieve cough and allergy symptoms. When pain strikes, eucalyptus is a blessing for helping to ease headaches, backaches, and sore muscles or joints.


Eucalyptus can help to clear respiratory passageways, and lavender can be used for relaxation and reducing inflammation. Consider adding these essential oils to your diffuser or bath. 

Breathing exercises can be enhanced with the use of essential oils, too. Add a few drops to an ultrasonic diffuser and find a relaxing space to spend some time. Inhale slowly, then exhale slowly, feeling your lungs empty. In between, hold for about 5 seconds. Repeat for as long as you wish until you find relief.

Aromatherapy may be an excellent option to help alleviate symptoms of Asthma if you are not allergic to any essential oils or sensitive to strong smells.


Eucalyptus can also improve your immunity by promoting phagocytic activity. It fires up your white blood cells to get rid of foreign particles floating around your body, looking to do damage.

There are many reasons why eucalyptus is valued. The principal ingredient in eucalyptus, 1,8 cineole, is not only an antimicrobial substance, but also delivers anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, and spasmolytic benefits.



Eucalyptus Farms
Receive a bouquet of beautiful California eucalyptus sprigs every month


Are You ready to try Eucalyptus oil for Asthma? 

Refreshing and camphor-like, the unique aroma of Eucalyptus, while seemingly medicinal, can clear respiratory passageways. Start with low dilutions and inhale essential oils in small quantities and for short intervals. 

Essential oils should be used with a diffuser as they can otherwise be harsh. The FDA does not regulate the quality or purity of essential oils and we recommend researching and consulting your doctor before using them.

Essential oils should never be ingested unless they are food-grade, and your doctor has cleared you to do so. 



Summing-up | Eucalyptus for Asthma 

Think about incorporating alternative health practices into your routine to help relieve symptoms of Asthma. Unfortunately, there is no cure for Asthma, but proper treatment can prevent asthma attacks and help you have a better quality of life.

Synthetic scents, pesticides, and herbicides are all potential irritants. Check with your practitioner to avoid these harmful substances and only use essential oils of high grade made by reputable companies.



Mountain Rose Herbs 





Do not use aromatherapy as an alternative treatment for Asthma without checking with your doctor first. She can tell you if it is the proper treatment for you.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice.





Caution | Ingesting Eucalyptus is highly dangerous for animals

You should keep eucalyptus products and plants away from your cats, dogs, and other pets. Call your vet right away if you think your pet may have ingested eucalyptus.

Pet Poison Helpline (855) 764-7661





© 2005 – 2023, Mark Zuleger-Thyss, Garden of Healing, LLC | The web property Garden of Healing dot com is wholly owned and operated by Garden of Healing, LLC. All rights reserved.

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