Gut-Soothing Garlic Dill Sauerkraut



Gut-Soothing Garlic Dill Sauerkraut

In the 18th century, explorers used Sauerkraut to prevent scurvy during long sea voyages as it is rich in vitamin C. I like to eat mine straight from the jar.

By S. | She can be found at


Functional Nutritional Therapy (FNTP), Restorative Wellness Practitioner (RWP),

and Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher




Sauerkraut has been a staple in the diets of people around the world for centuries.

Before refrigerators and other modern preservation methods, people came up with different ways to preserve food, and fermentation was one of them.




As a fermented food, Sauerkraut contains live and active probiotics that act as your first defense against harmful bacteria and toxins that might enter your body. It is also high in digestive enzymes that help break down macronutrients so your body can absorb them.

Sauerkraut also contains minerals like potassium, magnesium, and iron, which much of the US’s population is (severely) deficient in. Overall, Sauerkraut is one of the healthiest foods you can put in your body and one of the most delicious.

Fun Fact: the name “Sauerkraut” as we know it is German (Sauer = sour; kraut = cabbage), but the Germans did not invent it. Sauerkraut originated in China over two thousand years ago, where cabbage was preserved with rice wine in the winter to keep it fresh.

And another fun fact is that in the 18th century, explorers used Sauerkraut to prevent scurvy during long sea voyages as it is incredibly rich in vitamin C; they would bring as much as 25,000 pounds on board for these journeys.





Garlic Dill Sauerkraut Recipe


  • 1 head of cabbage
  • 2 tsp caraway seeds
  • 1 bunch dill 
  • 6 cloves chopped garlic
  • 3 tsp sea salt



  1. Slice cabbage into thin strips (a mandolin works too).
  2. Mince the dill and garlic, a mortar and pestle work great.
  3. Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and pack them together.
  4. Find something heavy to push the ingredients down to absorb as much moisture as possible.
  5. Pack the mixture into mason jars. For example, using plastic sandwich bags filled with water or some other heavyweight that fits inside the pot, ensure the mixture is packed down as much as possible.
  6. Fermentation only happens when cabbage is fully submerged in liquid.
  7. Place the jars on a plate; they will gurgle and spill over the next few days.
  8. Every day, “burp” the jars; open the lids to let the carbon dioxide escape.
  9. On day 3 or 4, taste the kraut. If that level of tanginess is good for you, then you’re done. You can also wait longer; some people wait as long as two months. I like mine after about 2 weeks.



Enjoy! I love Sauerkraut with soft-boiled eggs and avocado for breakfast, in salads, on sandwiches or wraps, in a loaded sweet potato, on tacos, and straight from the jar.






Original article:

Gut-Soothing Garlic Dill Sauerkraut





Author is Sarah, with additional editing by Mark Zuleger-Thyss

© 2005 – 2023, Sarah, Finding Ground Functional Nutrition, all rights reserved. 

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