Garlic – Pungent & Spicy: adds flavor to food while also providing many medicinal benefits


Ester_Geddie | Follow - San Francisco, CA


Garlic – Pungent & Spicy: adds flavor to food while also providing many medicinal benefits 

Garlic is an amazing herb that adds flavor to food while also providing many medicinal benefits. Herbalists commonly use garlic for symptoms of upper respiratory infections, as a general antimicrobial, and to support both heart health and digestion.

Garlic is potently pungent and spicy. If you are unaccustomed to eating it raw, simply chewing one little clove can be a very intense experience. The taste and aromatics fill not only your mouth, but also your sinuses. When used this way there’s no denying that garlic has a powerful effect. Because garlic is so hot, spicy, and pungent, it is best used for cold and stagnant conditions.