History and Medicinal Properties of Nutmeg


Lincoln66_Echo Follow - Kansas City, KS


Lincoln66_Echo Nutmeg is one of my favorite spices especially during the fall and winter. It's great in a mug of warm milk for use at bedtime to help with sleep.


History and Medicinal Properties of Nutmeg

Nutmeg is known as jaiphal in India. It is an aromatic culinary spice used in many delicacies. Originally from Indonesia, it is the seed of an evergreen tree called Myristica fragrans. In fact, it is the only tropical tree to bear two distinct spices - nutmeg and mace.

Its sweet aroma works as an enticing aphrodisiac spice, which is also known as viagra for women, according to research conducted in Africa and published in the journal of BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Nutmeg has a rich and sometimes sad history. Its fruit, seed, and mace have been highly prized as both food and medicine for thousands of years. Europeans became so obsessed with this plant that atrocities were committed and blood was shed.

Nutmeg is most commonly used as a culinary spice. The United States imports many tons and millions of dollars’ worth of nutmeg from around the world. Most of this is ground and sold for use in baking, especially during the holidays. But nutmeg is also a powerful medicine that can be used for anxiety, sleep issues, digestion, colds, the flu, and more.

Nutmeg has been used as an age-old remedy for improving physical as well as mental well being. From Ayurveda to ancient medicines, nutmeg has been used as a potent spice to improve sleep and immunity. It is packed with minerals such as magnesium, manganese and copper and other essential vitamins such as B1 and B6.

A combination of milk with a pinch of nutmeg has been an age-old remedy to improve sex drive. According to Ayurveda, this spice helps in calming the nervous system and improves blood circulation to the reproductive organs. This is the reason why it has been deemed as women’s viagra. 


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